About ‘With the Qur’an’ Project

Assalamu alaikum!

‘With-the-Qur’an’ project aims to bring all the researchers and scholars, who believe the following hadith (narration) of Prophet Muhammad (peace and blessings be upon him):

عن عثمان عن النبى -صلى الله عليه وسلم- قال
 « خيركم من تعلم القرآن وعلمه »
The best among you is the one who learns the Qur’an and teaches it.

As scholars of Islaam have explained, the learning and teaching of Qur’an mentioned in the above hadith covers three aspects:

  • Memorization (hifz)
  • Rules of Recitation (tajweed)
  • Explanations of Qur’an (tafseer)

Can we, thus, develop useful tools that may facilitate all the three aspects mentioned above? The answer is Yes, if Allah wills.

Starting in 2015

The first phase of the ‘With the Qur’an’ project stared in 2015 a research project in the Computer Engineering Department at Qassim University, Saudi Arabia. That project was funded by Deanship of Scientific Research, Qassim University for a year. The goal of the project was to use advance computational techniques, educational methods and practical experience in hifz centers in Qassim to develop tools for memorization of Noble Qura’n.

Under that project, the researchers developed some unique concepts and tools to assist Qur’an memorization process. One such concept is the ‘hifz annotation‘ and ‘hifz test based on annotations‘ (see the figure below). These research results were reported in 2017 as a research paper in International Journal of Education and Management Engineering (IJEME). The research paper can be found here.

Another outcome of the ‘With the Qur’an’ project is to use image processing research to segment the handwritten mushaf (known as Madani Mushaf) of printed by the King Fahd Glorious Quran Printing Complex.The pages of the mushaf are now segmented into individual words with pixel perfect accuracy.

The App

To bring the benefits of research to the Qur’an learners, the research results of ‘With the Qur’an’ project are being converted into apps for iOS and Android platforms.

The first such effort (under this project) for developing useful tools for memorization (hifz) of Qur’an is the ‘With-the-Qur’an App‘. The app was first released in 2019 and is currently available for iOS and Android platforms.The iOS version can be found here and Android version can be found here.


Many people have contributed to the ‘With the Qur’an’ project at the different phases. Below is list of contributors to the project. If you wish to participate in the project, please send an email to wtquran@gmail.com.

Dr. Mohammad Tanvir Parvez, Qassim University, Saudi Arabia
Dr. Sameh Otri, ICAT Ltd, UK
Prof. Sabri A. Mahmoud, Professor (retired), King Fahd University of Petroleum & Minerals, Saudi Arabia
Dr. Samir Ahmed Elsagheer Mohamed, Egypt-Japan University for Science and Technology, Egypt
Nayla Nuzhat, Islamic University of Madinah
Mr. Rizvee Rahman, Principal, School for Community Development, Bangladesh
Mr. Abu Sadat, CTO, ideaxen, Bangladesh


  1. May Alloh give you guys the best place in Jannah for what you’ve accomplished in order to help muslims learn the Quran 💕

  2. *‎السلام عليكم‬*

    Alhmdulilah for the past one year i am using this app regularly for my memorization and this app is very pragmatic. I noticed numerical error in the numbering of the pages.
    If you check you will notice page 2 is wrongly numbered as page 1 this has affected all the following page numbers. Please check and fix this error asap.
    *جزاك اللهُ خيرًا*

  3. *‎السلام عليكم‬*

    Alhmdulilah for the past one year i am using this app regularly for my memorization and this app is very pragmatic. I noticed numerical error in the numbering of the pages.
    If you check you will notice page 2 is wrongly numbered as page 1 this has affected all the following page numbers. Please check and fix this error asap.
    *جزاك اللهُ خيرًا*

  4. Salaam,
    May Allah (ﷻ) continue to reward you for the beautiful initiative.
    I had a request. It would be great to have a two page layout in landscape mode. That will help as well In Shaa Allāh ‎ ﷻ in the hifz process.
    جَزَاكُمُ اللهُ خَيْرَ

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